
Delmarva Calendar

We have tried to be accurate as to date and time. 

However, occasionally, circumstances change and we are not able to update the calendar. 

We recommend you confirm the event with your club's District Commissioner or center's Administrator, or the Delmarva Region officers found on the "CONTACT US" tab above.   

2025 Delmarva Rally Dates:

02/02  Sun      Prep     Certification Prep Webinar -ZOOM 6pm

03/16  Sun      Prep     Record Book Review -St Augustine Clubhouse

03/30  Sun      Clinic  Certification & Standards - Glendale Riding School, Easton MD

04/26  Sat       Clinic  XC Schooling Clinic - Fair Hill

04/TBD            Regional Testing/Certification - TBD

05/03  Sat       Clinic  Fix-a-Test & Rally Prep - Fair Hill

05/04  Sun      RALLY  Dressage Rally – Q&NQ - Fair Hill

06/08  Sun      RALLY  Show Jumping Rally – Qualifying - Glendale Riding School

06/28  Sat       RALLY  Eventing Rally – Non-Qualifying -  Fair Hill

07/13  Sun      RALLY  Quiz Rally - Queen Anne's County 4-H Park

08/10  Sun      RALLY  Eventing Rally – Qualifying -            Fair Hill

09/13  Sat       RALLY  Show Jumping Rally – Non-Qual - Tidewater, MD (tentative)

10/16-19        5-STAR Maryland 5 Star Eventing - Fair Hill


2025 Delmarva Regional Council Meetings

  1. 01/12  Sun    Regional Council Meeting                ZOOM
  2. 02/16  Sun    Regional Council Meeting                ZOOM 
  3. 03/09  Sun    Regional Council/ALL Meeting         ZOOM
  4. 04/13  Sun    Regional Council Meeting                ZOOM
  5. 05/04  Sun    Regional Council/ALL Meeting        In-person @ Fair Hill
  6. 06/15  Sun    Regional Council Meeting               ZOOM
  7. 07/13  Sun    Regional Council/ALL Meeting        In-person @ Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park
  8. 08/10  Sun    Regional Council Meeting               ZOOM
  9. 09/14  Sun    Regional Council/ALL Meeting        ZOOM
  10. 10/12  Sun    Regional Council Meeting               ZOOM
  11. 11/16  Sun    Regional ANNUAL Meeting             In-person, location TBD

Council mtg = Just one officer from each club/center (DC/CA preferred)

Council/ALL Officer mtg = Any or all club/center officers and sponsors.  

Annual Meeting = Club/Center Officers only.  Attendance by at least one officer is mandatory at the annual meeting.  Regardless of how many officers attend, each club/center has just one vote to cast.  



Click here to print a copy of the 2025 Delmarva Region Calendar 


You can pay Delmarva Regional dues, donations, clinics, certifications, etc by either PayPal or Credit Card.  

Click HERE to make PayPal or C/C payments.

PayPal is the company used to process the credit card.  You do NOT have to have a PayPal account to use this link.  

Please NOTE - The Delmarva Region does not have a VENMO account - please ignore that option.  


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